Research Article

Nanostructuring Polyaniline Using Non-Substituted Imidazolium-Based Ionic liquid as Polymerization Medium Enabling Faster Supercapacitor Operation

Fatima Al-Zohbi 1 2, Fouad Ghamouss 1 3 * , Bruno Schmaltz 1, Mohamed Abarbri 1, Khalil Cherry 2, Mohamad fadel Tabcheh 4, François Tran Van 1 *
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1 Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Matériaux et des Electrolytes Pour l’Energie (EA 6299), University of Tours , Parc de Grandmont 37200 Tours, France2 Laboratoire Matériaux, Catalyse, Environnement et Méthodes Analytiques (MCEMA) Campus Universitaire de Hadath, Liban3 Materials Science and Nano-engineering, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Lot 660 Hay Moulay Rachid, Ben Guerir, Morocco4 Laboratoire de chimie appliquée, Faculté des sciences III, Universite Libanaise, Kobbeh - Tripoli – Liban* Corresponding Author
Applied Functional Materials, 2(3), September 2022, 1-11,
Published: 30 September 2022
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Non-substituted imidazolium-based protic ionic liquid, namely imidazolium hydrogen sulfate [Imi][HSO4], has been investigated as a polymerization medium for PANI (designated as PANI/PIL). The resulting material was then investigated as electrode materials for supercapacitors. [Imi][HSO4] was prepared via a one-step acid-base reaction, and its structure was confirmed by 1H NMR. [Imi][HSO4] displayed full miscibility with water owing to the charge density distribution of its ions. Furthermore, the binary mixture [Imi][HSO4]/water is highly acid (e.g. pH ~ 0.1 for [Imi][HSO4]/water in a weight ratio of 70/30). As the polymerization medium for PANI/PIL, [Imi][HSO4] plays the role of a soft template agent and induces nanostructured PANI formation with fibrillar morphology (as shown by SEM images) without affecting the typical structure of PANI (as confirmed by FT-IR analysis). Furthermore, PANI/PIL was obtained in emeraldine salt form without any undesirable byproduct. Moreover, the electrical conductivity was seven times superior to that of the conventional PANI (i.e. PANI/HCl) when measured by the four-probe technique of PANI/PIL (~ 21.8 S/cm). This improvement in the PANI/PIL’s electrical conductivity of as well as the fibrillar morphology of PANI/PIL positively influences its electrochemical performances and highlights the suitability of [Imi][HSO4] as a polymerization medium for PANI material.


Al-Zohbi, F., Ghamouss, F., Schmaltz, B., Abarbri, M., Cherry, K., Tabcheh, M. F., & Van, F. T. (2022). Nanostructuring Polyaniline Using Non-Substituted Imidazolium-Based Ionic liquid as Polymerization Medium Enabling Faster Supercapacitor Operation. Applied Functional Materials, 2(3), 1-11.